Did you know that informed travelers are twice as likely to buy trip insurance?1 To better educate consumers on how travel protection can benefit them, we partner with some of the world’s largest travel brands. We’ve learned that the earlier you can start educating consumers during the research and planning phase, the more likely they are to protect their trip when they book it.
Who better to collaborate with than the early pioneer of travel guides and 24/7 Roadside Assistance in the U.S. and Canada? AAA is among the largest, full-service leisure travel organizations in North America, serving more than 56 million members. It was founded even before the first American automobile was mass-produced (that’s the Ford Model T).
AAA recognized this opportunity to better inform travelers, which led to us kicking off a creative marketing campaign with them last year. Our goal was to help make the sale of travel insurance easier for their agents, which in turn benefits their members by being protected with exclusive TripAssist® insurance plans as well as assistance benefits. Here’s a quick overview of the campaign.